Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Sound of a Beep Drew me From my Sleep

So today I was awoken from a sound sleep to the beeping of my cell phone announcing I had an incoming text message. I saw that it was from my Pastor's wife who I have been helping study for her classes she is currently taking. I thought the text message was pertaining to homework tonight which we had planned together for, but I was wrong. Instead what I got was a question asking me if I could help her answer phones and schedule patients at the podiatry clinic she works at. You see the lady her co-worker decided to move on to greener pastures and while the doctor was able to get someone to start working this said person starts in 2 weeks so for 2 weeks she is working by herself. So being the person that I am always available to help lol, I said I could as long as she showed me the ropes so to speak because I haven't answered an office phone since 2005 and it was a relatively old type of phone. I have seen the phones they have in that clinic and they are very high tech to what I was use to. Not to mention the fact that I fumble with my words sometimes when I am nervous and since the last time I worked in an office was in 2005 (Yep you guessed it) I am nervous! I am a person that hates to make mistakes I understand mistakes can and do happen, but me personally I hate making them. So hopefully if the doctor approves me to help she can help show me their system so that I am not lost. Later on in the morning I talked with my mom on the phone for a few minutes and then goofed around on my laptop for awhile. Then around 12:30pm my hubcap came home from work and when he opened the front door he greeted me with a smile and a small little bouquet of purple flowers he had picked on the side of the road when walking home. I have the flowers pictured they really are the cutest little purple flowers no matter where he got them :) After 10 years of marriage to still be thought of even in a simple gesture as that makes me all warm inside with the love I have for him. He is always so thoughtful I could not have asked for a better man and its in thanks and praise to God because without him we both would not have made it this long. We have weathered many storms and always seen the sun come shining up through the clouds. Thank you Jesus for that because honestly it amazes me how much a love can go from being a friend, to being a companion, confidant, and most of spouse. God has put a love so strong in my heart that at times I cry just with mere adoration at my husband and the strength both the Lord and Rob have given me. Well I believe that is it for now. I have got to get ready because I am gonna be going with my Pastor's wife in a few hours. Love and Blessings to all, Have a Good Afternoon!

New to the Blog Scene

Well so this is my first ever blog post, I thought I would start out by talking about why I made one then I thought wow how boring is that? So I will just introduce myself for those that know me and those that do not. My name is Lorinda, however most of my family calls me by my nickname which in some ways is annoying but I happened to like mine. My nickname is Luigi or to my parents Weegi. Personally I like Luigi it sounds just a tad more sophisticated than Weegi LOL. Today has been a very slow day. I woke up this morning with a migraine because my allergies were killing me. Ever since my husband and I relocated to San Marvelous or our little piece of Heaven known as the Texas Hill Country, I have had bouts of allergy flareups. I was born and raised in H-town and never once had any problems probably because of the pollution (I miss it lol). What can I say I am a city girl living in a country world? So anyways I woke up had to take some tylenol for it, It finally went away after about thirty minutes. I went grocery shopping which was an adventure to say the least. My husband works for the grocery store I shop at and right at this very moment they are remodeling. It is gonna look awesome once it is done but it takes time and meanwhile everyone was flapping about trying to find out where some of the stuff was. Like eggs, cheeses, and sandwich meat were all behind an aisle where construction was taking place on the floor near the receiving department where my hubcap works (yes I call my husband Hubcap!). No one wanted to venture there because the noise level was so loud you couldn't stand it without grinding your teeth. After I found the cheese finally and had gotten the rest of the items on my grocery list I checked out tired of the racket and tired of everyone almost running into me with their carts. They should have a license to use carts now-a-days course that is just my opinion. I was putting my bags in the car which my Dad took me in my brother's car which is a standard. My Dad forgot to put the handbrake on and the car rolled back almost running over my foot. So now after getting the groceries I am now at home waiting on the Hubcap to get home to which I now hear knocking. So for now I say Goodnight and God bless and if the good Lord grants me another day I will write again.